Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I got this from here

ABC meme
Aprons- Y/N? No. I'm thinking I may try my hand at sewing one, but it would be just to say that I did it, not because I have any intention of wearing it.

Baking- Favorite thing to bake? I don't do a lot of baking. If I do it's boxed cake or something. I don't have the time or a big enough kitchen to get into baking.

Clothesline- Y/N? No. We had one growing up. I definitely prefer soft, warm clothes from the dryer, but I can now appreciate our mom using a clothesline when money was tight.

Donuts- Ever made them? No, and as long as UDF is still in business I don't anticipate ever doing so.

Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? Change diapers.

Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? No. Space does not permit one now, but I will get one as soon as I move to a bigger place.

Garbage Disposal- Y/N? I have 5. One built into the sink and 4 I gave birth to.

Handbook- What is your favorite Homemaking resource? The Internet.

Ironing- Love it or hate it? Hate it. I do as little as possible.

Junk Drawer- Where is it? Sometimes I feel like my whole house is a junk drawer, but officially it's a basket under my desk.

Kitchen- Design and decorating? Sunflower galore. I love 'em.

Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? Crafting with the kids. It often involves practical and useful stuff so that counts, right?

Mop- Y/N? Yes, I have 4 kids, including 3 small boys with bad aim. I mop the bathroom several times a week.

Nylons? It depends on which office I'm working in and sometimes in the winter just for the extra layer of warmth.

Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? No window so I have to open and check.

Pizza- What do you put on yours? If I get one separate from the kiddies, I like the Founder's Favorite from Donato's.

Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Did you miss the part about having 4 kids? If I do get a quiet moment during the day I'm too stunned to remember it.

Recipe card box- Y/N? Yes, a cute little box with sunflowers from the dollar store.

Style Of house / What style is your house? I live in an apartment

Tablecloths and napkins? I keep a tablecloth on the table when we aren't using it for decoration, but we don't use it while eating. It's easier to wipe up spills off the table and it's less laundry.

Under the kitchen sink? Cat food and litter, trash bags and extra dish soap. Occasionally you might find a kid under there too.

Vacuum- How many times a week? Living and dining room every day, the rest of the house once a week.

Wash- How many loads do you do a week? Up to 5-6, depending on how much money I have.

X’s- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? Yes. I have a horrible memory so I have to write everything down.

Yard- One of the few nice things about living in an apartment is I don't have to worry about upkeep of a lawn. When I did live in a house, I never had time to garden, so I only had to mow the lawn, rake leaves and the basics such as that.

ZZZ’s- What is your last homemaking task for the day? The kids and I pick up all the toys and blankets off the floor.



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