Monday, April 09, 2007

Despite temperatures of 30 degrees below normal, it's that time of year. I call it the "Dreaded Foot Season". People wear flip-flops, sandles, or no shoes at all.
I hate it because I hate feet. I know there are others like me. So for us poor souls that can't stand the sight of your soles, please at least make them presentable.

You don't have to have a professional pedicure once a week (but if you can afford it, please do!), but start by smoothing things out. Crusty heels makes me want to puke.
It's simple and though I'm sure you can find recipes involving essential oils and foot massagers, it's not necessary.
Tonight before you go to bed, wash your feet thoroughly, completely cover them in vaseline (be generous, you can get the stuff at the dollar store), put on a pair of cotton socks. Keep the socks on overnight and when you wake up your feet will be well on their way to being presentable to the world.* Depending on how bad your dogs were to begin with, you may have to do this for several nights before you see a huge difference, but I promise you will see a difference. Do this about twice a week to stay "sandle ready" all summer long.

*This really works the best and quickest if you sleep in the socks, but if you can't stand to sleep in socks, do this in the early evening and remove the socks before getting into bed.

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