Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tipping Tuesday

I have 5 kids which translates to a lot of cleaning. And the little rugrats can't seem to grasp the concept that red Kool-Aid does not belong on my carpet. So until I make them understand I had to find a solution to save my sanity and not put me further into the poorhouse. By golly I think I've got it! Hydrogen peroxide. Yep. That stuff you can get in the dollar store in the brown bottle. I read it on some web site, and thought I'd try it and was pleasently surprised. I put some in a spray bottle, sprayed the spill and blotted it up with a white towel and presto, no more red juice on my carpet. A couple of spills I let sit long enough (okay, I couldn't find a clean white towel) and it disappeared withno further assistance from me. It's cheap and it works, what more can you ask for?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peroxide is also good for “bloody stains” before washing.

Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 12:55:00 AM EDT  

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