Saturday, June 14, 2003


1. Do you like to have your picture taken? Why or why not?

I hate it. Absolutely hate it. I have been told that I take very good pictures, but we are our own toughest critic.

2. What is your earliest memory of having your picture taken?
Sitting on the stage with my kingergarten teacher at my graduation.

3. What is the best picture you've ever had taken (or took of yourself)? Why did you pick this photo?
A picture my ex roommate took of me when I was in college. For once I was not self-conscious and my relaxed, happy state really came out well in the pictures.

4. Ladies, under what circumstances would you pose for a "glamour shot"? Gentlemen, would you want your girlfriend/wife to pose for a "glamour shot"? Both: why?
I would do it for the kicks. I think it would be fun. If I didn't hate getting my picture taken so much, why not?

5. Would you ever pose for nude photos? Why or why not?
No. Too much chance of them coming back to haunt me.


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